Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 21 - Cycle Brno to Prague, Czech Republic - Well at least we tried.

Knowing we wanted to get to a town that would allow train travel to Prague we set out on a shortened version of EV9, a brutal climb and 10km on shoulder-less highway later and we called it quits preferring to return to Brno central station and drink cheap but great beer by the litre instead. Well until the 2:20 for Prague departed anyhow. 

Anne-Marie searching for hotels, "Everyone says old town is the place to stay, but it's a lot more expensive.", "I want to stay in FUNKY town" replies Reuben being his usual helpful self. 

The rolling farmland flashing past our train allaying fears that we'd missed an interesting day riding. Reuben taking the four hours to catch up on blog posts and his warm 2013 Frankovka Klaret appreciation.

Prague is another amazing European city with the most incredible architecture and history, It's old town something out of a fairytale with a history of ugliness and strife.

Finished off the day with some great Czech food and wine,

At the Entrance to last night's hotel Sono.

Angus Young in our hotel room,
Possibly they picked us as Aussies?

Ree "Relaxing" before the ride.

Ready for launch.

Bike parking on the train.

Four hour train ride with warm rose and blogging.
At least they had power.

The Prague train station.

Some funky Prague buildings and lots of tourists.

The day finished with a Czech specialty, 
Apple Strudel.

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome! As Lauren would say, I am green and jelly :-)
